INTO ETERNITY Is Working On First New Studio Album In Six Years

October 21, 2024

In a new interview with This Day In Metal, vocalist Stu Block confirmed that INTO ETERNITY is working on a new studio album. He said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "It's gonna be slow going. We're gonna make sure it's right — make sure it's released right, make sure the music's right, make sure everything is right. We don't have a record label breathing down our neck, so we wanna release something that we're very happy with and not forced to do. So we're taking it on our own time. So definitely an INTO ETERNITY album will be happening."

Block also revealed that he is making a solo album. "I'm working with a few different people," he said. "I'm not really wanting to release who yet. But definitely working with a few amazing musicians that a lot of people know. And I think it's gonna be super, super killer."

In August 2021, Stu announced his permanent return to his pre-ICED EARTH band INTO ETERNITY.

Block, who left INTO ETERNITY in 2011 and was replaced by Amanda Kiernan, broke the news of his official reunion with his former bandmates two days after he performed live with them at the Loud As Hell festival in Drumheller, Alberta, Canada.

Stu took to his social media at the time to share the following message: "What an amazing time with @into_eternity_official at the @loudashellfestival !! I had such a killer time with my brothers Matt, Tim, Troy and Bryan and sister from another mister Amanda!!

"Soooooo I'm sure you are all speculating if I will be coming back to INTO ETERNITY permanently and the answer is............YES!!! I will be coming back sharing lead vocal duties with the amazing Amanda Kiernan!

"The insane talent that is in this band needs to be showcased to the world again through new recordings and some touring… We can't wait!!!"

Before joining INTO ETERNITY in 2005, Block began his musical career singing for various bands in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. After two albums with INTO ETERNITY, Block joined ICED EARTH in 2011, with whom he recorded three LPs: "Dystopia" (2011),"Plagues Of Babylon" (2014) and "Incorruptible" (2017).

Block and ICED EARTH bassist Luke Appleton quit the band in the wake of leader Jon Schaffer's involvement in the U.S. Capitol riot, with guitarist Jake Dreyer also believed to have departed.

INTO ETERNITY's most recent album, "The Sirens", was released in 2018.

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